Püspök Szilvia

My name is Szilvia Püspök, I am a bodybuilding and fitness coach. My story is not the usual weightloss-fantastic body transformation kind of stuff. I have never been overweight, on the contrary, I was rather thin only longing for gaining a curvier physique. It was kettlebell that pushed me out of this state and put me on the road to an active life. Due to this I have become a strong, energetic and, more importantly, healthy woman, none of which would have been possible without hard work, dedication and proper supervision by a trainer. The initial fanatism that got me into these trainings has become a passion by now. In 2014 I learnt the basics of a training method called ‘Strongfirst’ which I got to love so much that in 2016 I took an international exam to become an instructor and during the next three years I held group trainings. Throughout the years I realized that fitness for me is a process of lifelong learning offering endless opportunities for me to experience and grow.

You must be aware that the real transformation takes place in your mind.

As a coach I am fully convinced that a consistent and disciplined attitude is as indispensable as a proper training plan or a perfectly performed exercise. I strongly believe that it is not so much the ‘what’ but the ‘how’ is what matters.

We are bombarded by information at a perplexing pace, anything that used to be evident does not seem to be set in stone anymore. If you don’t know how to kick off or any of the following statements are true for you:

-You suffer from inactivity

-You live a sedentary lifestyle

-You feel lethargic and have a lack of energy

-You would like to lose weight

-Or wish to improve your body shape

-You would like to gain muscles

-You are keen to learn the basics of kettlebell, calisthenics or posture improvement

-If you want to achieve and maintain a healthy lifestyle

-and get the feeling of all-round wellness

then feel free to contact me at the reception or in person in UniFit and mind you:

Nothing ventured nothing gained.

Elérhetőség: +36 30 933 2493