What is Body Shaping?

Do you want a tight body and a bombastic shape for the summer? Then Body shaping will provide maximum help with it. We have created a workout plan that is one of the best in the field of body shaping.


These sixty minutes are about exercises that develops our whole body. There are only easy to follow exercises, no complicated choreography that you have to learn. Your muscles will be targeted by strengthening exercises and using different tools. We will increase your heart rate, increasing your body’s performance. In order to reduce or eliminate the fat layer, we do not need to mortify and fast ourselves, but to exercise well. That is what you will get from us in the Body shaping.


All of your muscle groups will be worked out, improving them this way and accelerating your metabolism so that the fat cushions disappear as soon as possible. You can do it! It doesn’t matter how old you are, what the scale shows or when you exercised last, with this workout you can achieve that your muscles will show themselves in the tone that is the most beautiful.


Body Shaping is a hard workout. You are going to sweat, but it will be worth it for the looks and the feel. There will be everything: squats, eruptions, abdominal presses, strengthening the muscles of the upper body. The goal is to have a tight and toned body, and to improve your posture and body awareness. You can look into the summer with a flat belly, tight butt and thighs, if you start the body shaping exercises and finish them. It’s not too late but get started! Believe, that you can only win with it! A nicer, more confident, healthier body.


One class is not enough though, but we can safely say that Body shaping is one of the workouts where change in tone is very fast. So, if you decided to take part, do not look for excuses! In a team, in this group, there is a place for you, and it is for and about you!


To who do we recommend?


Everyone can do it, regardless of age or gender. If you are unsure about how to start exercising or if you find the gym machines and equipment a bit boring and monotonous, your place is here with us! You need nothing but your persistence and a little smile. Don’t forget to bring these with you!

Your trainer


Reszegi Anita


Exercise has always played an important role throughout my life. During elementary school I was doing gymnastics. In secondary grammar school I was ballroom dancing and performed in competitions with the Hajdúnánás dancing group. After moving to Debrecen, I acquainted with aerobics and I got captivated by this kind of exercise to the extent that I decided to work professionally with this sport. In 2006, I got an aerobic training qualification at the University of Physical Education in Debrecen, and then in 2009 I became a fitness trainer, now mastering the conditioning and personal training. I have been training in numerous gyms in Debrecen, and I have been actively working for 10 years in this field of work. My son was born in 2011. I exercised a lot during and after my pregnancy, which helped me to preserve my health and shape.
In 2016, Enikő Péntek -who is the creator of this genre- chose me as a Zone trainer and since September 2017 I am Debrecen’s one and only Zone trainer.
For me, regular workout is not just a hobby but a way of life. It helps me to feel healthier and to feel better in my skin, and through coaching I have the opportunity to show others the pleasure, liberating and stress-relieving effects, and the joy of exercise, and by doing so I can help others to reach their desired body.


In UniFit I give Body-Shape, Circular Training and Tea-bo lessons.
Body shaping training is a fully-body 60-minute workout combining fat-burning and strengthening elements with the help of body weight training as well as equipment like dumbbells, fit ball, leg weights. Rubber bands, step pad and softball. We train critical female body parts, especially the abs, waist, thigh and bum.
Circular Training is likewise a full-body training program, in which we train various muscle groups.
Tae-bo is a combination of kick-box and aerobics training which improves endurance while effectively working on the upper body while activating the core muscles, and this exercise is excellent for stress management too.

your trainer


Gyurkó Zsuzsanna